What Is Your Misogi For 2025?

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The Misogi:

Meaning “cleaning” is an ancient Japanese Shinto practice involving a cleansing process of the mind, body and spirit through challenging and difficult challenges that one places themselves through.

Think New Year resolutions but bigger…

In ancient Japanese culture it was once believed that these traditions helped samurai warriors build stronger mental clarity, physical fitness and a tighter spiritual bond.

I recently came across this concept in a book I am reading called Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter. The theory and background is we do something once a year that is so far outside of the realm of possibilities that it has a positive impact on the other 364 days of the year. 

This can be a physical challenge, mental challenge or emotional/ spiritual. The concept being that it is so far out of reach that going through it will help foster and build a stronger mind body connection.

What are the Rules?

In the traditional sense a Misogi has two main rules; first is it should be something that you have never done before. And second you should really only have around a 50% chance of achieving the goal (as you should not actually train/ prepare for this event).

Now I have watered down this thought process quite a lot and am happy with some of my clients choosing something they’ve never done and building an appropriate plan for success.

It really should be a life changing moment for you, something that you would never forget. 

A misogi should definitely scare and intimidate you. 

It should push your limits to far exceed what you thought you could do. 

Life Fullfillment

Some new research involving those in hospice has pointed to the fact that those who pushed the limits. Took on challenges that they once thought were impossible and those who failed and succeeded equally in these tasks were some of the individuals with the highest life satisfaction and fulfillment.


So What Is Your Misogi?

I urge you to give this some thought and write it down for yourself. 

Will you be tackling your first marathon or ultra marathon? Will you be attempting to learn a new language and travel to a country that speaks that language for a full immersive test. Will you commit to mindfulness and meditation practices daily for one year. Will you write a chapter book, perform at an open mic, will you read a book a week or maybe even run your first 5km? The options are endless. 

You get the idea. 

Your Misogi should be challenging. 

It should be important to you. 

So what do you have in mind?


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